Just thought you might like a little something to brighten your day.
The following story happened well before I had met Nic, and I was dating another guy. I hadn't met said guy's extended family, so Thanksgiving was a first (and last I might add) in meeting a lot of them. I was wearing a v-neck sweater that I felt was appropriate at the time. Looking back, I can see I probably should have worn something different (but then again, I look back at a lot of things I've done and wonder why?!?). He had a young cousin who was 3 or 4 years old (I think). She was darling. She wanted me to hold her, so I obliged. I nervously stood there amongst his family, holding the darling little girl and then she looks down. At my chest. And before I even knew what was happening... she sticks her finger between my boobs and loudly and gleefully exclaims, "Buttcrack!" Her dad was standing right next to us and what happened next I barely remember. I know I laughed, and I know that she got in trouble. Her dad was mortified! He quickly took her to a bedroom and got her in trouble then forced her to stay there in time out. I suppose I should have been mortified as well, but I mostly felt bad that the little girl was getting in trouble. Within the next few minutes, we were all seated around the table, minus the little girl who was screaming rather loudly from the back bedroom saying she was SORRY! AND COULD SHE PLEASE COME OUT NOW!!! AND SHE WOULD NEVER SAY BUTTCRACK AGAIN!!!!!
Yea. That was awkward. My husband loves this story and he loves to tease me any time I'm wearing a low-cut top.
Hope this could make you smile.
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