Thursday, February 14, 2013

8 months & Lots of Firsts!

Well, I didn't get that extended vacation I so badly wanted last post, but I DID get some much needed girl time, have a birthday, and had my husband home for 3 whole nights in a row- which meant more sleep.  All of those did this girl some good.  I feel happier and a little more refreshed.  And I feel like I'm in a much better place in mommyhood.  Thanks for letting me vent and then being nice enough to still come back.  :)

This past month has been quite an exciting one for Audra!  She's experienced so many firsts... no wonder she was sleeping so badly before! 

First time eating solid food:
We started with apples (not knowing that I was supposed to start w/ veggies... oops), and she loved them!  Then we moved on to peas, squash-yellow, prunes (necessary!), green beans, pear, avocado, sweet potato, carrot, squash-butternut, egg yolk, and banana.  I didn't really go in any particular order (other than following recommended food guides); we mostly just gave her what we already had on hand so minimize runs to the grocery store.  We make our own food, and I have to say... I get a strange enjoyment out of it.  I love making it and she loves eating it. While I do believe it's a money saver, the cost isn't really the reason we do it.  I just like knowing EXACTLY what she's eating.  And I like her getting the freshest food possible.  And I like being able to puree it as thin or thick as I want.  There are a lot of perks and it's just too easy NOT to do.  I can do a whole post on how we make it, if anyone's interested.  But if you don't tell me that you want to know, I'm not going to take the time to post it.  ;) Heehee.

Along with the solids has come a lot more weight on this baby girl.  And also, more sleep!  She generally sleeps from 7p to anywhere between 5:30-7:30a.  If she doesn't wake up at all in the night, she'll get up around 5:30.  If she gets up for a night feed and goes back down, she'll sleep 'til around 7:30.  I would gladly trade a night feed for sleeping in!  I just wish she felt the same.  :)

Other firsts:
Pulling herself to standing:
Very shortly after that, she started walking the length of her crib while holding on.  Didn't get that one on video though.

 This one was a long time coming!  She'd been on all fours since well before Christmas.  We were CERTAIN she'd start crawling while we were in Missouri.  But then she got sick, and she was held a lot.  So that didn't happen.  She was up on all fours and going backwards a lot.  Then she was up on all fours and crawling just one to three "steps", then she'd collapse onto the floor.  She'd do that over and over.  Just this week, she started connecting it all and going great distances without falling down.  AND NOW?  She's going anywhere, and getting into EVERYTHING!  Haha!  Time to baby-proof this place, for sure!  Things she never seemed interested in before are now things for little baby hands to explore.  It's funny how she sat right next to things (like a bookshelf) many times in the past, and now all of a sudden it's so interesting!  She's starting to keep me on my toes, guys.  :)

 It started with "mama" in beginning/mid January and then about 3 weeks later, both Nic and I swore she repeated "bye bye."  And the very next day, she said "dada."  Now we can catch her saying all 3.  Though mama is still the most likely to repeated on demand.

Other fun non-milestone firsts that happened this past month:
-first time swinging in a big girl swing (well, toddler swing)

-first time riding in the stroller without her infant seat on top

-first time sitting in the wooden high chair in a restaurant

-first time riding in the grocery cart sitting space

-first time trying (very watered down) juice [no picture]
-first time sleeping without a swaddle (mentioned last post)
-first time eating outside

And I think that's it!  It's been so much fun to watch her face each time she does something new.  I love that she looks to me with excitement and is able to see that I'm sharing in it with her.  I can't get enough of this sweet, sweet girl.

Oh!  And Happy Valentine's Day! 

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