Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cloth Diapering: We try, tried again (Part 2 of 2)

In part 1, I talked about how we decided on gDiapers, and how they were a fail for us.  THIS POST, I'm going to talk about how I decided on FuzziBunz.  :)  To be honest, there is a blog I follow which highly influenced my decision to go with FuzziBunz.  Reading Shawna's descriptions of the diaper, and describing her system really gave me confidence that this diaper could work for us.  This diaper has a couple of advantages to it that the gDiapers didn't have.  1- it's a one-size diaper.  This means that Audra can wear it now, and it's supposed to last her until she's potty trained.  This is possible through their internal sizing system (more about that in a minute).  So not having to buy another whole set of diapers when she's a 'medium' then again when she's 'large' or 'extra large' is saving us a ton of money!  To put a cherry on top, the FuzziBunz one-size diaper is actually cheaper than 1 of the gDiaper shells (with Nic's military discount), and they include the cloth inserts! Score!  2- it's an advantage to just stuff the insert in the pocket beforehand and then have one solid piece ready to put on her.  Stuffing the g's with the inserts was time that I was consuming at the changing table, and you had to be really careful to do it *just right* or the diaper wouldn't hold waste correctly.  The FuzziBunz pocket diaper system consumes time immediately after washing (I usually stuff them while I'm pumping or while Audra's napping) and I don't have to worry about putting them on just right.  Just snap them together and that's it!  (Similar to just securing a disposable.)

We knew the FuzziBunz worked for others, and we saw things we really liked about them.  All that was left was to try them out!  This time I was a bit more cautious.  I ordered 1 diaper from the FuzziBunz website and tried it out on Audra.  We wore it, and LOVED IT!  We washed it, we wore it and loved it AGAIN!  And washed it again, and loved it again!  We loved it so many times, we decided this would be our new diaper.  So on one of Nic's days off, we stocked up on the FuzziBunz One Size Elites. 

Here's a quick overview of how these work:

The outside has heavy-duty snaps to allow you to adjust for your baby's growth.
Excuse the bad lighting, these were taken at night.

The layer that touches Audra's booty is made of ultra soft fleece. (There is a bit of pilling on this fleece, but it doesn't effect absorbancy.) 

There's a pocket opening on her back where I stuff the (super ridiculously incredibly soft) minky insert.  The minky insert is what holds the bulk of her waste. 

And THIS is the coolest part...
The internal sizing system. 
This is what we adjust as she grows and allows us to use this diaper for so long.  Everywhere there is elastic (so on the back and around the legs), we can tighten or loosen it to fit our needs.  There are two button on either end of the elastic that we can adjust.  

Here are the buttons along the back.   You can see them on either side of the elastic.

You flip the diaper inside out...

 to get to the buttons that adjust the elastic around the legs (the other side is identical).

I forgot to take a picture of the numbers on the elastic, so I found this one from here.  The diapers have a sizing guide to help you know which numbers should work best for your babe, but of course you can play around with it and find what works just perfectly for you.

And there you have it! 

 When you buy these diapers, they come with replacement elastic (since elastic tends to stretch out over time) a small minky insert and a medium minky insert.  They also come with a lifetime warranty (which should cover any damage to snaps or buttons).  Just make sure you keep your receipt!

The only time I have experienced wetness with this diaper is when she had gone more than once in the diaper (should have changed it sooner!).   Even then, the wetness was not leakage around the sides, it was more like moisture seeping through the bottom of the diaper because the insert was just too saturated.  I wasn't bothered by this since I should have changed her sooner.

We've been using the FuzziBunz consistently for about 3 weeks now, and have had zero issues.  In fact, the only problem we have now is that we don't have enough!  I wash my diapers every other day, and we have 14.  We have gotten by on that many a few times, but usually by the time I need to wash them, she ends up going in a disposable for bed.

Speaking of bed, we  have even had success using this diaper at night time.  I add a little extra something, though, in case she goes multiple times.  This little tip was taken from the blog above.  So here's what we do:  when I'm almost finished nursing her for the last time, we put the nighttime diaper on her.  The nighttime diaper consists of a FuzziBunz shell, a normal FuzziBunz insert, and also a GroVia insert.  GroVia inserts have a water proof backing, so the moisture can't seep out the back.  Also, the GroVia inserts have TWO VERY absorbent layers.  So stuffed in the pocket of the FuzziBunz, we've got the minky insert and behind that, we've got a GroVia insert.  Yes, that makes for one bulky diaper!  But Audra doesn't seem to mind, and it gets the job done.  So the bottom line here, is that I'm so IN LOVE with this FuzziBunz One Size Elite diaper!  So happy to have this figured out.  :)  Hopefully this will help one of you find a solution to your cloth diaper needs.  :)

***I should add that I know there are MANY MANY great cloth diapers out there that work and you can be happy with.  These are just the diapers I chose.*** :D

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