Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Damper on Plans

Well...  I guess we won't be camping.  It was already going to be an undertaking of its own just going with a 1 year old for the first time and figuring out all those logistics.  But add in being 3 hours away and tropical storm Andrea set to hit Friday, and it could be a royal recipe for disaster.  So we're going to stay dry at home and try again another weekend.  Maybe somewhere closer to home, for the first time.  And after she's walking like a real champ.  (Right now she can cross rooms, but if she REALLY wants to get somewhere, crawling's still her go-to.)

So, there we go.  Andrea put a bit of a damper on our plans (literally).  But the weekend's not a total bust, since a good friend of ours is having a birthday and now we'll be able to make the festivities!  :)  I hope all of you out there are staying safe and dry! 


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